Transparent Administration

Legislative Decree no. 33 of 14/03/2013, “Reorganization of the regulations concerning the obligations of publicity, transparency and dissemination of information by public administrations”, published in the Official Gazette no. 80 of 5 April 2013 and in force since 20 April 2013, intends to make accessible information concerning the organization and activities of public administrations, in order to favour widespread forms of control over the pursuit of institutional functions and the use of public resources.

The Reggio Parma Festival Association, acknowledging and sharing the objectives and purposes of Legislative Decree no. 33 of 14/03/2013, makes known the acts and documents relating to the administrators, consultants and collaborators of the Association, and all that is within its competence in accordance with the aforementioned decree, following the List of Obligations regarding its own subjective scope of observation of such.

Last update, April 4 2023.